
Though I find the technical aspects of photography more interesting than the art form, I appreciate the skill required to take a good picture, especially in low-light conditions. Now that computational photography lets anyone take perfect pictures every time, playing with "dumb" sensors and lenses is all the more fun.

Radioactive Lenses

Quite a few vintage lenses from the 40s until the 70s contain radioactive Thorium Oxide in one or more elements, so I bought myself a Geiger-Müller counter to check the lenses I own to facilitate proper storage.

Read more about the measurements.

Comparing My Nifty Fifties

A few quick comparisons between the Pentax SMC Takumar 50mm f/1.4, an excellent vintage lens from the 70s, and TTArtisan 50mm f/1.2, a cheap but much more modern lens, to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.

Read more about the comparison.

Fufjifilm Film Simulations

Fujifilm provides a range of in-camera film simulations that replicate popular films of old. I've compiled a matrix of most film simulations found in my X-T1 in an attempt to get a better overview of which simulation I like the most under various lighting conditions.

Read more about the simulations.