2024-01-25 Moon
Another stack of the full Moon, this time with more frames!
I've enhanced the local contrast to highlight the surface morphologies and craters, but while the full Moon is nice to look at, the resulting image is rather flat compared to the features visible by the shadows cast during the crescent phases.
- Location
- Name: Oslo City, Norway
- Lat Long: 59.92, 10.72
- Datetime: January 25th, ~18:30h
- Bortle Scale: Class 9
- Gear
- Camera: Canon EOS 700D
- Lens: Pentax Takumar 300mm f/4
- Tracking: None/Tripod
- Exposure
- Aperture: f/8
- Focal Length: 300mm
- Shutter Speed: 1/1600s
- ISO: 400
- Processing
- Light Frames: 90 (50%)
- Raw Converter: Darktable
- Stacker: AutoStakkert!
- Editor: Apple Photos