2021-12-24 M42 Orion Nebula

My first attempt at photographing Messier 42, better known as the Orion Nebula.

Despire glaring issues like the strong chromatic aberration and slightly out-of-focus stars, I'm pretty happy with the result. I didn't dare subtract more of the light pollution gradient as the histogram overlap between the nebula and noise were quite severe.

Taking a closer look the (here tiny) Great Orion Nebula is clearly visible with it's pink-ish haze. Straight above that one can barely see the Running Man Nebula. Barely visible is also parts of the Flame Nebula in Alnitak's top left, something I didn't expect to see.

I have included the B-V Index of a few stars for reference for color reference.

Values have been sourced from Stellarium.
